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March 17, 2025

Arbitration Clauses in a Contract: When Arbitration Can and Cannot be in a Contract in California

Arbitration is a private dispute resolution process where parties agree to have a neutral third party (the arbitrator) hear their case and make an (often) binding decision. It is not uncommon for business contracts—but commercial agreements and employment agreements—to contain mandatory pre-dispute arbitration clauses. You may be wondering: Is an…
March 17, 2025

Forming a Medical Corporation

Are you considering forming a medical corporation in the Bay Area? It is crucial that you have the knowledge and resources to put the best structure in place for your business. There are special rules and regulations for the formation of professional medical corporations in California. Here, our Fremont attorney for starting a business highlights…
February 5, 2025

Construction Contracts: What is Required to Be in a Home Improvement Contract for Residential Construction?

According to the data cited within the California Residential Remodeling/Renovation Market Study, home improvement is a multi-billion dollar industry in the state. For contractors, the remodeling and renovation business offers many different opportunities. Home improvement projects in California that exceed $500 in cost require a proper license a…
February 5, 2025

Arbitration Clauses in a Contract: Benefits and Pitfalls of Using Arbitration to Resolve Disputes

Arbitration is a private dispute resolution process where parties agree to have a neutral third party (arbitrator) decide, after reviewing the evidence and hearing the arguments. It is not uncommon for commercial contracts to contain pre-dispute arbitration clauses that mandate the arbitration of any dispute that might arise. Here, our Fremont co…
February 5, 2025

Selling a Medical Practice (How Sellers can Minimize their Liability)

Do you own and operate a medical practice in California? If you are considering selling your professional practice, it is imperative that you know how to effectively navigate the transaction. Minimizing your liability risk—both before and after the sale of the medical practice—is crucial. In this article, our Fremont lawyer for selling a medical…
February 5, 2025

Fee Splitting Laws for Physicians in California

If you are the owner and operator of a medical practice in California and you are preparing to bring on another physician or a management company, it is imperative to have a comprehensive understanding of our state’s fee-splitting laws. A key point is that California law prohibits doctors from splitting fees with non-licensed individuals and non-…
December 6, 2024

Buying a Medical Practice in California? Know the Difference Between Purchasing the Business and Purchasing the Assets

The California Health Care Foundation reports that approximately 75,000 physicians are in active practice in our state. Are you a doctor who is considering buying a group medical practice? It is crucial that you ensure the transaction is structured properly. You could buy the entire business or, potentially, you could purchase its assets. Here, o…
December 6, 2024

What to Know About the Upcoming BOIR Federal Filing Deadline in California

On January 1st, 2021, the Corporate Transparency Act was signed into law. The law official took effect on January 1st, 2024. Notably, it requires existing entities—companies that existed prior to 2024—to file their initial BOIR (Beneficial Ownership Information Report) by January 1st, 2025. An important deadline is approaching. It is crucial that…
October 2, 2024

Stealing Employees from a Nursing Practice in California

A nursing practice is about its people. It is the type of business that requires skilled, experienced nurses on staff to operate competitively. A great nurse is one that has had a lot of training—and many businesses make big investments into their nurses. This raises an important question: Is it legal to take the nurses from a competing business…
October 2, 2024

Discrimination Policy Lawyer for Business

We Draft and Review Anti-Discrimination Policies for Businesses in California Lynnette Ariathurai is an experienced discrimination policy attorney for businesses in California. As of 2016, all companies and organizations with five or more employees are required to draft and distribute a legally compliant anti-discrimination policy. The right d…