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Stealing Employees from a Nursing Practice in California

A nursing practice is about its people. It is the type of business that requires skilled, experienced nurses on staff to operate competitively. A great nurse is one that has had a lot of training—and many businesses make big investments into their nurses. This raises an important question: Is it legal to take the nurses from a competing business? The answer is generally “yes”—California law provides limited protections. Here, our Fremont business lawyer highlights the key things to know about our state’s regulations regarding stealing employees from a nursing practice.

California Law Largely Does Not Prohibit “Stealing” of Employees from Nursing Practices

California is an at-will employment state that, for the most part, protects an employee’s ability to move from one job to another. Indeed, there is strong public policy in favor of employee mobility and competition and the medical field, including nursing, is no exception. Indeed, non-compete agreements are largely unenforceable in our state. Further, there is no law that stops the stealing of employees from another medical practice in California.

The exception (workplace raids): There is an exception in California for so-called “workplace raids.” If a competitor engages in unfair practices—such as intentionally targeting another business’s employees with the intent to disrupt or interfere with that business—it may be unlawful. It could give rise to a claim under California Business and Professions Code § 17200.

Nursing Practices Have a General Right to Recruit from Competing Businesses

Like other businesses, nursing practices have a general right to compete in the marketplace. Among other things, this means that they have the right to recruit or “steal” employees from competing firms by offering them better opportunities. It could be higher pay, better benefits, or more favorable working conditions. As long as the recruitment is done without violating the law it is legally permissible in California.

How Nursing Practices Can Protect their Investment in Human Capital

Although a nursing practice cannot stop a competing business from trying to recruit their employees, there are steps that employers in the health care industry in California can take to protect their investment in human capital. Options include:

  • Employment contracts: To protect their investment in human capital, nursing practices can use employment contracts. A California employment lawyer can help you structure nursing contracts in a manner that helps prevent workers from leaving to take an offer at a competing business.
  • Non-solicitation agreements: While non-compete clauses are unenforceable in California, non-solicitation agreements that prevent former employees from soliciting the company’s clients or employees may be enforceable if they are reasonable in scope
  • Trade secret protections: Nursing practices should also safeguard their trade secrets and confidential information. Under the California Uniform Trade Secrets Act, businesses can take legal action against anyone who misappropriated their trade secrets.

Contact Our California Business Lawyer for Nursing Practice Today

Lynnette Ariathurai is a California business attorney with the skills and experience to represent nursing practices. If you have any questions about nursing practice employee stealing/poaching, please do not hesitate to contact us today for a confidential initial consultation. With a law office in Fremont, we represent nursing practices throughout the San Francisco Bay Area including San Jose, San Mateo, Hayward, and Newark.