Incorporating in Another State Might Be Good Business Planning
On behalf of The Law Office of Lynnette Ariathurai, A Professional Corporation posted in Business Formation & Planning on Friday, April 28, 2017.
Many California residents are currently developing goals for various types of business endeavors. This type of business planning typically involves many challenges and important decisions, such as whether to incorporate a company. Recent news suggests one state may be better than others when incorporating a business.
When business planning, it’s crucial to remember that it’s not necessary to incorporate a business in one’s home state. Incorporation can take place in another state where a business does not have an actual physical location. It is often necessary, however, to choose a Registered Agent in the incorporating state to receive notices from that jurisdiction’s Secretary of State regarding one’s business.
At the top of the list for best states in which to incorporate a business is Delaware. Obviously far from California’s west coast, many successful businesses choose Delaware as their corporate home. Delaware business owners are shielded from personal liability in certain business situations, which may have something to do with it ranking number one in at least eight different studies regarding best legal systems in the nation conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Many affluent business owners say another main benefit of incorporating in the small state of Delaware is that the process of incorporation there is highly affordable. An annual LLC fee is only $300 regardless of company size or capital. An experienced business planning attorney can provide sound counsel and clarification of all laws pertaining to incorporating in a state, whether in California or a jurisdiction outside a business owner’s home residence.